
The Definitive Horse Show Packing List

Getting ready for your next horse show? Check out our horse show packing list to make sure you have everything you need.

The Definitive Horse Show Packing List

The countdown to your much-anticipated horse show is almost over. You’ve spent countless hours in the saddle, groomed your horse to perfection, and now the final hurdle looms: packing. As your excitement builds, so does the anxiety of ensuring nothing is forgotten. With so many essentials to remember, from show clothes to horse tack, packing for a horse show can feel like a daunting task. That’s why we’ve created the ultimate horse show packing list–so you and your horse arrive show-ready on the big day.

When should you start packing for a horse show?

It’s best to start packing a few days before you leave for the horse show. Leaving packing to the last minute will only add to your nerves and increase your chances of leaving something behind. Set your show outfit(s) aside, pack up the grooming supplies, and gather important paperwork. You should also inspect your trailer, test the hookup, and prepare it for your horse. This way, if your show coat needs washed or your trailer tires need air, you’ll have time to prepare instead of scrambling the night before you leave.

You may need to pack items like horse tack and stable supplies the day before you leave. This is a good time to double-check you have everything, fill your horse’s hay net, and make sure your truck’s tank is full. If you have time, you can polish your tack and groom your horse before you leave, but make sure you pack these supplies for touch-ups on the day of the show.

Horse show essentials

Our packing list includes items that are nice to have at a horse show, but there are some things you definitely don’t want to forget. These items are essential for any horse show:

  • Paperwork
  • Show apparel
  • Horse tack 
  • Horse care supplies
  • Trailer gear
  • Stable supplies

Keep in mind any factors like weather or location that might affect the items on your list. For example, if you’re competing in a hot climate, you may want to pack electrolytes to add to water for your horse.

Horse show packing list

Whether this is your first show or you’re a seasoned pro, the key to successful and stress-free packing is a thorough packing list. From bits and bridles to hair accessories and trailer ties, this horse show packing list ensures you won’t miss a thing. The items you need may vary depending on which discipline you’re competing in, so be sure to personalize your list with any discipline-specific apparel or tack.

Pro tip: Download, print, and laminate this list. Check items off with a dry erase marker, and reuse for each show.


There are a few documents you won’t be able to compete without. You may have submitted a lot of this paperwork online when you registered, but it’s always best to keep hard copies with you in case something went wrong. It’s also a good idea to print directions to the facility, as well as vet, roadside assistance, and hotel reservation information in case you lose signal on the way there. Generally, this is the paperwork you should bring to a horse show:

  • Registration papers
  • Membership papers
  • Negative Coggins test
  • Health certificate
  • Insurance card for horse and rider
  • Vet information (your own or one near the facility)
  • Equine first aid information
  • Equestrian roadside assistance contact information
  • Facility address, directions, and contact information
  • Hotel reservation information
  • Show schedule/prize list
  • Federation or show rule book

If you show often, consider compiling all of your and your horse’s important paperwork into a binder. When it’s time to pack, you can add any show-specific paperwork like registration papers, facility information, and hotel reservations, and you’ll be good to go! Plus, your horse show binder is a great place to keep this checklist.

You may also like: 10 Best Equestrian Centers in the US

Apparel for the rider

A few days before you leave, make sure your show outfit is clean and pressed, so you can impress the judges with your show look. If you need some outfit inspiration, check out our Equestrian Fashion Lookbook with show outfits for every discipline. Be sure to bring extra show and schooling clothes in case your outfit gets dirty or wet.

Show clothes

Other apparel

  • Schooling shirts
  • Extra breeches
  • Barn apparel
  • Rain jacket and boots
  • Sunglasses and hat

Hair accessories

  • Brush
  • Hair ties
  • Bobby pins
  • Hair net
  • Show bows
  • Hair spray
  • Travel mirror

Clothing care supplies

  • Stain remover
  • Sewing kit
  • Lint roller
  • Boot polish and rags
  • Travel steamer
  • Boot rubbers

R.J. Classics constructs show clothing with wrinkle-free fabric for easy travel. Shop our wrinkle-resistant show coats for a clean, professional look every time–no steamer necessary!

Tack for the horse

Not only will you need clean and polished tack, but you’ll need grooming and feeding supplies for your horse. Only bring items that you use and that work for your horse, but bring extras of essential tack items like reins and stirrup leathers.

For riding

  • Tack trunk
  • Saddle and cover
  • Girth
  • Saddle pads
  • Bits and bridle
  • Martingale
  • Breastplate
  • Extra/specialty reins
  • Stirrup irons and leathers
  • Halter and lead rope
  • Lunge line and whip
  • Protective horse boots and/or polo wraps
  • Ear bonnets and ear plugs
  • Leather care supplies
  • Paper towels
  • Bit wipes
  • Toothbrush to clean saddle stitching

For grooming

  • Ice boots
  • Scrim sheet/blankets
  • Cooler
  • Tail and leg wraps
  • Bucket and sponges
  • Poultice and poultice paper
  • Braiding supplies
  • Curry comb
  • Body brushes
  • Clippers
  • Hoof pick
  • Sweat scraper
  • Mane and tail brush
  • Detangler
  • Baby powder
  • Baby oil
  • Baby wipes
  • Hoof oil
  • Fly spray
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Spray-on conditioner
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Towels
  • Studs and studs removal kit
  • Hoof packing supplies
  • Muscle recovery treatments (BEMER, Shockwave, etc.)

For feeding

  • Feed/hay
  • Supplements
  • Flavor to help your horse drink
  • Electrolytes
  • Treats
  • Feed bucket
  • Hay net
  • Water bucket
  • Bucket hooks

If your horse refuses water when traveling, you may also need to bring water from home to encourage him to drink. It’s important to keep horses hydrated at shows, so bring flavors like molasses or apple juice and electrolytes to ensure your horse drinks plenty of water.

Horse trailer essentials

Put safety first by packing your trailer with shipping gear for your horse and tools you need in case of an emergency. Your horse may require more or less shipping gear than we listed, so pack accordingly.

For the horse

  • Shipping boots or standing wraps
  • Head bumper
  • Trailer ties
  • Shipping/breakaway halter
  • Hay net and hay
  • Water bucket

Horse first aid kit

  • Iodine-based antiseptic solution
  • Triple antibiotic ointment
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Gauze pads
  • Vet wrap
  • Blunt-ended scissors
  • Thermometer
  • Liniment
  • Eye flush
  • Ice pack(s)

For emergencies

  • Jumper cables
  • Jacks
  • Trailer block
  • Spare tire
  • Tools
  • Flashlight
  • Batteries
  • Emergency flares
  • Antibacterial wipes
  • Human first aid kit

Keep your horse show binder with you in the truck so you can easily access equine first aid information, your vet’s contact information, and equestrian roadside assistance contact information if you get in an accident.

Learn more about traveling with horses →

Horse stable supplies

Your horse will need some good rest before and after the show, so don’t forget the supplies you need to keep his stall clean and comfortable. 

  • Stall fans
  • Extension cords
  • Locks
  • Spare batteries
  • Step stool
  • Trash bags
  • Tools
  • Scissors
  • Duct tape
  • Pitchfork
  • Hose 
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Broom
  • Bedding
  • Cross ties
  • Zip-ties

Sometimes, shows provide some stable supplies like bedding, so check in advance to see what you need to bring. If you’re not sure, it’s always better to be over-prepared than unprepared.

Miscellaneous items

These horse show essentials might not fit into a category, but they’re still essentials. These items will help you stay comfortable and keep you entertained before and after you perform.

  • Personal care items
  • Camera
  • Folding chairs
  • Cash and credit cards
  • Snacks and water
  • Cooler
  • Toilet paper
  • Advil or Tylenol
  • Bug spray
  • Sunscreen
  • Umbrella
  • Reading material for downtime
  • Paper and pen

You should bring paper and a pen to take notes if the show offers clinics or to reflect on your time there. You’ll make memories and learn a lot that you won’t want to forget.

Download a free printable version of our packing list 

R.J. Classics Horse Show Packing List

First time horse show packing tips

If it’s your first time competing at a horse show, here are a few packing tips to calm your nerves and keep your focus on performing well and having fun:

  1. Go to prep night. If your barn hosts a night of preparation for those competing in the show, this can be a great distraction from nerves. Grooming your horse and cleaning your tack alongside other riders is a fun way to prepare for the show.
  2. Talk to your horse’s owner. If you’re leasing a horse, find out what your responsibilities are prior to the show. You may or may not need to groom the horse, provide gear, or help with shipping.
  3. Go to watch a show before. Get a feel for what a horse show is like so you know what to expect when you compete. This will give you a better idea of what you need to bring to your show.
  4. Talk to other riders. Ask more experienced riders how they prepare for a horse show and what to expect when you’re there. 

Preparing for a horse show involves a lot of planning. This list will take the stress out of packing and keep you on track as you get ready for your horse show.

Looking for some new show clothes before your next performance? R.J. Classics designs quality show coats, shirts, breeches, made to keep you comfortable and confident in the saddle. Shop women’s and girls’ equestrian apparel to elevate your show style.


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