
What Is Equestrian Cross-Country?

What Is Equestrian Cross-Country?

Equestrian cross-country is one of the most thrilling riding disciplines. Riding at high speeds across natural terrain requires exceptional balance—between boldness and control, speed and precision, instinct and strategy. From the different competition levels and formats to course design and scoring, understanding how cross-country works can help you appreciate the skill and bravery required to excel in this discipline—and decide whether you’re interested in pursuing it.

What is equestrian cross-country?

Cross-country (or XC) horse riding is an equestrian sport and phase of eventing where horse-and-rider teams navigate a long, outdoor course with natural and man-made obstacles—including jumps, water crossings, and ditches—at a set speed. The goal is to complete the course with minimal penalties while balancing speed and safety. Success in cross-country requires bravery and endurance from the horse, as well as technical skill and strategic decision-making from the rider.

Today, equestrian cross-country is best known as a phase of eventing, but its origins trace back to fox hunting and military training. Originally designed to test a horse’s speed, stamina, and jumping ability over rough terrain, cross-country has evolved into a sport that simulates the challenges of galloping across open countryside. Modern course designs replicate natural obstacles like fences, streams, and uneven ground, with difficulty, height, and distance varying by competition level.

Types of equestrian cross-country events

Equestrian cross-country can take place at eventing competitions or at stand-alone cross-country competitions. Here are the main ways to compete in cross-country:


Eventing is a riding competition that includes dressage, cross-country, and show jumping phases, often spread out over three days. Like an equestrian triathlon, it tests the well-roundedness of horses and riders, evaluating the horse’s movement with dressage, endurance with cross-country, and agility with show jumping. High-level cross-country riding is usually part of an eventing competition. 

Hunter trials

Another competition format for cross-country is hunter trials, which is often used for training or lower-level competition. Eventers often use hunter trials as practice for the cross-country phase. Hunt clubs may also host hunter trials as a way of testing the skills required for a successful hunt outside of a hunting scenario. The specific rules for a hunter trials competition depend on the organization hosting the event.

CCE competitions

Cross Country Equestrian (CCE) is a newer cross-country competition format that focuses on flexibility, accessibility, and strengthening the horse-and-rider partnership. With every obstacle marked as optional, riders can choose which jumps to attempt based on their goals and their horse’s ability. CCE competitions can be used for training, conditioning, or qualifying purposes, with 10 different levels to accommodate any rider.

Learn about 10 must-see equestrian events →

What to expect at a cross-country event

Before a cross-country event, riders can walk the course and observe the fences, footing, and terrain. This gives them the opportunity to strategize on striding and lines leading up to the obstacles. Horse-and-rider pairs wait in the start box until they’re told to begin. Riders’ start times are staggered in specific time allotments, but there are often several competitors on course at a time at various points on the course. 

The rules

Horses and riders are expected to complete the course with the fewest penalties, ideally within the optimum time. The optimum time represents the amount of time it should take to efficiently and safely complete the course, timed from when they leave the start box to when they reach the finish line. Riders can receive penalty points for crossing the finish line too quickly, going over the optimum time, or incurring one of these three types of faults:

  • Refusal: When the horse stops in front of an obstacle.

  • Run-out: When the horse skips an obstacle by moving around it.

  • Circle: When the horse circles around to revisit an obstacle before moving to the next.

Additionally, cross-country riders must follow rules that keep everyone safe on the course. If a rider is held up by another rider in front of them, their time will be stopped until they can continue. However, if a rider finds they are holding up others behind them, they should allow the other competitors to pass or overtake them. Riders who pass when it’s unsafe to do so or who block others from passing them will be eliminated.

For a complete look at cross-country rules, check out EV121 and EV122 in the USEF Eventing Rulebook.

The course

Cross-country courses are usually between 1.5 and 4 miles through fields and wooded areas, molding to the natural landscape. The number of obstacles depends on the length of the course and the level of difficulty, but typically, there are between 20 and 40 obstacles, which start out less challenging and increase in difficulty as you move through the course. 

Each obstacle is marked with two flags to show riders which direction to approach from. A white flag marks the left side of the obstacle, and a red flag marks the right side. Course designers use a variety of jumps to challenge the horse and rider’s skills and courage. Here are a few of the most common types of obstacles you’ll see on the cross-country course:

  • Log fence: A solid jump made of log(s), often used as a straightforward warm-up fence.

  • Wall: A jump resembling a stone or brick wall, with varying difficulty by height and width.

  • Brush fence: A solid base with brush at the top that horses can see and jump through.

  • Angled fence: One or more fences set at an angle, requiring precision and a straight approach to avoid run-outs.

  • Arrowhead: A narrow, triangular jump with the point facing downward, testing accuracy and straightness.

  • Corner: A wedge-shaped fence that’s jumped at the narrowest part, requiring precise steering and commitment.

  • Rolltop: A rounded jump designed to encourage a smooth takeoff and landing.

  • Water: A water obstacle that requires a horse to cross or jump in or out of varying depths, testing the horse’s confidence.

  • Ditch: A trench in the ground that challenges a horse’s bravery and ability to judge takeoff distance.

  • Bank: A jump onto or off a raised platform, often combined with additional fences at higher levels.

  • Drop: A fence with a significant height difference between takeoff and landing, requiring control and balance on descent.

  • Table: A wide, solid jump with a flat top that varies in height and width depending on the level.

  • Steps: A series of ascending or descending banks that challenge rhythm and control.

  • Trakehner: A solid rail jump placed over a ditch, requiring confidence and commitment.

  • Coffin: A combination of a jump, a ditch, and another jump, testing rhythm and adjustability.

How is cross-country horse riding scored?

The winner of a cross-country event is the horse-and-rider team with the fewest penalty points that’s not eliminated, with zero being a perfect score. These faults can cause a horse-and-rider pair to incur penalty points or become eliminated:



1st refusal, run-out, or circle

20 penalty points

2nd refusal, run-out, or circle at same obstacle

40 penalty points

3rd refusal, run-out, or circle overall


Fall of horse and/or rider


Each second over optimum time

0.4 penalty points 

Double the optimum time


*Note: A full outline of cross-country faults and corresponding penalties can be found in EV122 of the USEF Eventing Rulebook.

Cross-country riding levels

Both national and international eventing competitions offer several event levels. Higher levels come with higher fences, greater distances, and more technical courses overall.

USEA National Levels

There are eight event levels under the USEA (United States Eventing Association), ranging from Starter to Advanced. The courses increase in difficulty as a horse and rider progress through the levels, challenging them to improve their skills and confidence. 

Below are the maximum fence heights for each national eventing level:

  • Starter: 2’3”

  • Beginner Novice: 2’7”

  • Novice: 2’11”

  • Training: 3’3”

  • Modified: 3’5”

  • Preliminary: 3’7”

  • Intermediate: 3’9”

  • Advanced: 3’11”

FEI International Levels

The FEI (International Equestrian Federation) defines five levels of CCI (Concours Complet International) eventing competition, with 1* being the most beginner level and 5* being the most difficult level. 

Comparable National Level

Course length (in meters)*


Max fixed fence height

Max brush fence height



1,800 to 3,200






2,400 to 3,600






2,800 to 4,000






3,200 to 4,800





No comparable level

3,800 to 6,000




*Note: CCI levels 1* through 4* offer both long and short formats (expressed as CCI1*-S or CCI1*-L), which impacts course length and pace.

Equestrian cross-country at the Olympics

At the Olympic level, cross-country is one of the three phases in the Eventing discipline, and is designed to push the world’s top horse-and-rider pairs to their limits. The course typically spans just over 3 miles with around 25 obstacles, though exact length and design vary by location. 

Course specifications include:

  • Maximum fence height: 1.20 meters (solid) and 1.40 meters (brush)

  • Maximum spread: 1.80 meters

  • Optimum time: Based on a 570 meters per minute pace

Riders are released from the start box every few minutes, navigating a course that demands bold riding, precise decision-making, and a well-conditioned horse. Each nation fields three riders and an alternate, competing for both team and individual medals throughout the three phases of the Eventing competition.

What to wear for a cross-country event

Proper cross-country apparel should prioritize your safety, but that doesn’t mean you have to compromise on style. Riders often opt for accessories in a coordinating bright color, which creates a sporty look and enables judges to see them galloping and jumping from afar. Here is what you should wear for a cross-country event:


Cross-country riders are required to wear a helmet or jockey skull cap, a type of riding helmet without a peak. The helmet should fit properly and meet the ASTM/SEI and SNELL standards. Since eventing requires a black or navy helmet for dressage and show jumping, riders typically use the same helmet for all phases and add a colorful jockey helmet cover for the cross-country phase. 

Safety vest

A body protector is required for cross-country riding. Jumping puts riders at extra risk of falls, and when moving at high speeds over obstacles that do not break away when hit, impact from falls is multiplied. Body protectors shield your chest, abdomen, and internal organs in the case of a fall. Some riders also choose to wear an air vest over their body protector, which inflates before impact for additional protection.

Show shirt

Show coats are not a part of cross-country attire, so riders wear long-sleeve show shirts or sweaters to protect their arms. White is most common, but other colors are allowed. Look for show shirts that wick away sweat and water from obstacles, allow freedom of movement, and protect you from the sun. 

Learn how to buy a show shirt →


As in most disciplines, white or tan breeches are required for cross-country and eventing competitions. Knee patch breeches are most popular for the cross-country phase because they allow the rider to maintain grip when standing in the stirrups over jumps. 

Learn how to buy women’s and girls’ breeches →

Learn how to buy men’s breeches →

Riding boots

For the cross-country phase, black field boots are most common. Riders must wear tall riding boots with a heel to help keep their feet in the stirrups and protect their legs from brush and other obstacles. Check out our guide to choosing riding boots to find the right pair for you.


Gloves are optional for equestrian cross-country, but they can be helpful. Riding gloves improve your grip on the reins, protect your hands, and keep them warm or shielded from the sun. Match your gloves to your jockey helmet cover and show shirt for a cross-country look that helps you stand out on the course.

Looking for stylish, quality eventing apparel that can handle every bank and drop? Whether you’re a cross-country beginner or you’re taking on the world stage, R.J. Classics has show shirts and breeches for riders of all levels. 

Browse our show clothing for men and women to find the perfect cross-country outfit for your next event.

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